KYL opens a physical store named "MAI CHA MI" in support of the public welfare activities


KYL Donates Millions in Bakery Machines to Help the Disadvantaged

Deeply rooted in Taiwan, Catholic Non-profit Tsz-Ai Mercy Hospice of Taichung Diocesan Body Corporate is entering its 35th year of organizational operation. Tsz-Ai pointed out that the nursing home first acquainted with KYL Chairman who was widely famous for selling luffa toner under an occasional circumstance many years ago. Taking on the corporate social responsibility, KYL cares for the local disadvantage by supporting Tsz-Ai for a long time. Based on the principle of "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime", KYL invested a million to donate bakery machines to the nursing home so that the tenants are able to make traditional Japanese desserts. Under this business model, the nursing home no longer passively gets the public's sympathy but takes the initiative to win more customer's trust through the Japanese dessert brand that its operate.

Without a physical store, Tsz-Ai bakery relied heavily on the words of mouth among its customers to promote its products where the income never seems to cover the cost. Under this predicament, KYL organized a marketing group to help the nursing home operates a physical stored named "MAI CHA MI" that opens a window of hope for the nursing home.

Joining the bakery group this year, Yaya was inexperienced in baking and was quite slow in baking, making egg rolls and packaging the products. However, her sweet smiles always catch people's attention. With the physical store of "MAI CHA MI", Yaya has a better interaction with customers who visit the store. It is expected that her interpersonal relationship can be further improved while the nursing home's services can be even more diversified.

Under the joint effort of Tsz-Ai and KYL, "Happy Shop" was established to sell handmade cookies, egg rolls, traditional Japanese desserts, other kinds of sweets & soft drinks, and even ceramic handicrafts made by the developmentally challenged child of the nursing home. KYL also sells these kinds of products with all the profit generated donated to "MAI CHA MI" so that the developmentally challenged child of the nursing home can be even more confidence to make a living for themselves.