Overseas Tourists Who Visit Taiwan Are Crazy About Beauty Products Made In Taiwan


In the past, domestic tourists who travel aboard tend to buy a lot of beauty products for self-use or send to others as gifts. These years, the trend seemed to be turning into an opposite direction. Since beauty products made in Taiwan are becoming widely accepted and recognized by the global market, overseas tourists who travel to Taiwan seek not only fun but also good gifts to bring home.

These days, it is relatively easier to find foreign customers speaking in different languages looking for their favorite beauty products in the cosmetic shops of Taiwan. The reason for this widespread phenomena is due to the high quality and easy-to-use skincare products made in Taiwan which attract tourists from our neighboring countries such as Japan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, etc. Overseas tourists who visit Taiwan love to buy skincare products to bring home as souvenirs.

The reason why skincare products made in Taiwan are gaining popularity is that botanic essences are extracted from natural plants as the main ingredients in making our skincare products. For example, our luffa toners are made from natural luffa while our aloe extracts are made from natural aloe. As the superstar products deeply beloved by our customers, the annual sales volume of our Luffa Toner hits 1 million bottles with the number still on the rise.

Nowadays, cosmeceuticals and beauty stores have almost become one of the tourist attractions for overseas tourists who visit Taiwan. As a local specialty in Taiwan, skincare products made in Taiwan are sold through a different marketing approach so that overseas tourists not only seek fun but also good gifts to bring home. For more information, please visit TRANEWS.